
6 Ways You May Be Hurting Your Yorkie’s Feelings Without Even Knowing It

The way to raise a happy, confident dog is with gentle handling, kindness and dependability. Learn to read your Yorkie’s body language. Dogs thrive on routine, so always be consistent with your rules. Most importantly, learn what action hurts your Yorkie’s feelings — and stop doing it.

Here are some of the ways you may be unknowingly hurting your dog’s feelings.


Do you push your dog away when she tries to climb in your lap and give you kisses? If you are constantly rejecting or ignoring your dog’s attempts to get attention or to give affection, your dog may come down with a serious case of the doggy blues. You are, after all, at the center of your dog’s universe. They depend on us for everything from their happiness to their food, and they thrive on our attention.

If you’re constantly pushing your dog away and/or ignoring her, you’re not only depriving her of affection but going against her nature. Dogs are social animals; they need to be around their pack. Isolation from their pack (you in this case) will eventually result in depression.