
9 Things Your Yorkie Wants to Tell You

1-“I want to protect you.”

Resultado de imagen para yorkie dog, I want to protect you

You may think your dog belongs to you, but you belong to your dog, as well. That means he is going to claim you and protect you.When he’s sitting on your foot, it’s an ownership thing. If his [bottom] is on you, he’s marking your foot.It’s not just that he wants to be close to you, he’s saying, ‘This is mine; now it smells like me, don’t go near it. He does this for three main reasons: to feel secure about his place in your life, to warn other dogs that you are spoken for and because he wants to protect you. To ensure your protection, dogs will also bark at guests, growl at other dogs when outside and pull on the leash while out for a walk. There’s a line of thinking that the dog is your scout. He sees himself as a member of the pack, and he wants to make sure everything is cool before you get ther.

2-“I can sense when you’re in a bad mood.”

Whether it was a stressful day at work or a fight with your significant other, your dog will pick up on how you feel—and feel it, too. It goes without saying, when you’re stressed, they’re more stressed; when you’re happier, they’re happy.

3-“I need more exercise!”

If she’s eliminating on the floor, chewing the furniture or running circles around the coffee table, your dog is probably trying to tell you she needs more activity in her life. That’s where we see a lot of behavioral issues with dogs in households.